The Hellmaker package includes the some example WADs for you to look at. They are very simple levels that I created with Hellmaker. Each of them illustrates a particular type of structure that you can make, from simple pits and windows to the more complicated doors, teleports and such. For details on how to create each of these types of structure, read the Hellmaker Manual (detailed notes are given in the chapters 'Basic Structures' and 'Dynamic Structures').
A single room, only containing a level exit switch. The linedef function used is nS, exit level.
Two rooms, separated by a window. There is no way to get into the second room, of course. Note that the only real difference between the 'rooms' and the 'window' are the floor and ceiling heights (I've also changed the textures to make it look better).
A room with two pits. The player can climb out of the shallow one, while the deeper one has a toxic floor. Note the floor heights, and the second pit's floor texture and sector special.
Contains three solid pillars inside a room. Note that the insides of the pillars are not sectors.
A staircase joining two rooms. Note the changing floor and ceiling heights.
Simple door created with Hellmaker's Make Door function.
Modified version of DOOR.WAD, this time the door can be opened with a switch on the wall. Use group mode to see that the switch linedef is grouped with the door sector.
A lift made with Hellmaker's Make Lift function.
Modified LIFT.WAD, the lift can be 'called' with a switch on the wall. Use group mode to see that the switch linedef is grouped with the lift sector.
A one-way teleport from the teleport pad into the second room. Note that the teleport pad boundary lines have WR teleport functions, and are grouped with the second room's sector. If you look in thing mode, you will see the teleport destination in the second room.
When the player moves toward the far wall, the W1 (walk-over) trigger line is crossed and the rising stairs are activated.
This is a 'real' WAD (with monsters, locked doors, etc) to show you how it's all put together.